Lords Mobile Elite Stages :
chapter 2 : Click here
chapter 3 : Click here
chapter 4 : Click here
chapter 5 : Click here
chapter 6 : Click here
chapter 7 : Click here
Chapter 8
Elite Stage 8-3
Lineup: Prima Donna, Sea Squire, Rose Knight,
Incinerator, and Tracker.
Stage 1: This stage is rather easy. You will want
to take out the front-liners and save the Black Crow for last. Once you have
only one enemy left, stop using your ultimate-attacks. Save them for the
next stage. One extra note is if you lose a hero in this stage, exit and start
again. You will need all your heroes to win this competition.
Stage 2: Stage 2 is really difficult. Winning should be
easy. But winning with 55-seconds remaining is close to impossible. The trick
is to ignore the massive Barbarian (aside for attacks from the Rose Knight) and
focus on eliminating the smaller heroes. Once all of them are done, focus all your
energy on the big ugly guy. This technique works eventually, but you may need
to try a bunch of times.
Stage 3: Also very hard. You are going to want to use
the same technique as stage 2. You may also have to try a bunch of times until
you get it (and also get 3 stars). Wait for 3-seconds before striking. Focus on
hitting as many enemy troops at the same time. And pray!
The Boss that you win for this level is Oath Keeper.
Elite Stage 8-6
Hero Lineup: Prima Donna, Rose Knight, Death Knight,
Incinerator, and Tracker.
Stage 1: Let your heroes do there thing, but save your
ultimate attacks until they are all ready. Hit only the turtle with
Incinerator, Prima, Death Knight and then Rose Knight. Don’t use Prima Donna if
you don’t have to.
Stage 2: Go after the Incinerator. Keeping using all the
ultimates on her. If any of the heroes get halfway, use the Prima Donna. The
incinerator has a powerful attack. Don’t risk it.
Stage 3: This stage can be really tough if your heroes
aren’t strong enough and you get the timing wrong.
Don’t use any ultimates until the Donkey Man (Sage of Storms)
shows up. Save Rose Knight’s ultimate until she gets close enough to the Donkey
Elite Stage 8-9
Hero Lineup: Prima Donna, Rose Knight, Death Knight,
Incinerator, and Tracker.
Stage 1: You shouldn’t have to do anything. Save the
ultimates for the next stage. If you have to, use the Prima Donna healing, but
if you can avoid it, save her for later.
Stage 2: This one can get dicey if you miss the timing.
The first thing to use the ultimates on is that barely-dressed-lady flouting at
the back of the screen. Once she’s dead, and it shouldn’t take too much, focus
all the attacks of the tree monster thing. Once it’s 80% dead, begin saving the
ultimate attacks for the next level.
Stage 3: Wait a few seconds before doing any attacks.
The enemy Rose Knight is going to protect them all from attacks. Don’t be an
idiot… Use some brains. Please!
Once the enemy shield drops, focus all attacks on the Child of
Light in the center. Once he’s dead, go for the fish monster.
You will need to wait for Tracker and Incinerator to charge up so
prepare to use the Prima Donna as soon as you need her.
Elite Stage 8-12
Hero Lineup: Prima Donna, Rose Knight, Death Knight,
Incinerator, and Tracker.
Stage 1: Focus on Scarlet Bolt. If she ultimates against
you, you will lose a hero (or two). Make sure you attack her with an
incinerator as soon as you can!
Once she’s dead, the rest of the stage is really easy!
Stage 2: There’s no real strategy. Attack the group.
Keep an eye on the Demon Slayer. Use the Prima Donna as needed.
Stage 3: Use everything on The massive Death Knight.
Ignore all the other heroes. If you hit the 55-seconds without killing the
Death Knight, you are toast! Try to not even use the Prima Donna unless you
really really need her.
Expect to need to play this level a bunch of times before you
actually win!
Elite Stage 8-15
Hero Lineup: Tracker, Demon Slayer, Death Knight, Prima
Donna, and Black Crow.
Stage 1: You shouldn’t have to use any of the ultimates
aside for Prima Donna. Keep an eye on the health of the heroes and then use her
skill to heal everyone.
Stage 2: Focus all the ultimates on the Bombin Goblin.
All the rest of the enemy heroes are duds. Use Prima to heal but save the rest
of the ultimates for stage 3.
Stage 3: Use the demon Slayer first, then the Black Crow
and then Tracker. Wait until the enemy Elementalist stops spinning and then hit
it with Death Knight. Then fire as will.
Elite Stage 8-18
Hero Lineup: Prima Donna, Rose Knight, Death Knight,
Incinerator, and Tracker.
Stage 1: This might be difficult if your heroes aren’t
strong enough. You may even need to take a break to power them up (or
experiment with a different lineup). The three enemy heroes can do a lot of
damage before your Prima Donna will get a chance to power-up to ultimate.
Otherwise, just do nothing in this stage.
Stage 2: Use the Prima Donna as soon as you can and then
use Tracker to hit the Crazy Candy Princess. The rest is easy.
Stage 3: Wait a few seconds for the enemy Rose Knight
shield to fall off and then use Incinerator to hit all the enemy heroes at one
shot. Follow through with Death Knight and a heal from Prima Donna.
Next, you need to kill Scarlet Bolt before she ultimate-attacks
you. And as soon as she is dead, focus all the remaining power against Femme